Results for 'Angela Castillo Lino'

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  1.  23
    De R. Rorty a J. Dewe.y: notas sobre filosofía, democracia y comunidad.Ramón Del Castillo Santos - 1996 - Isegoría 14:173-184.
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  2. One Imagination in Experiences of Beauty and Achievements of Understanding.Angela Breitenbach - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (1):71-88.
    I argue for the unity of imagination in two prima facie diverse contexts: experiences of beauty and achievements of understanding. I develop my argument in three steps. First, I begin by describing a type of aesthetic experience that is grounded in a set of imaginative activities on the part of the person having the experience. Second, I argue that the same set of imaginative activities that grounds this type of aesthetic experience also contributes to achievements of understanding. Third, I show (...)
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    In defence of a broad approach to public interest in health data research.Angela Ballantyne & G. Owen Schaefer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):583-584.
    In their response to ‘Public interest in health data research: laying out the conceptual groundwork’, Grewal and Newson critique us for inattention to the law and putting forward an impracticably broad conceptual understanding of public interest. While we agree more work is needed to generate a workable framework for Institutional Review Boards/Research Ethics Committees, we would contend that this should be grounded on a broad conception of public interest. This broadness facilitates regulatory agility, and is already reflected by some current (...)
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  4. Semiótica : lenguaje y comunicación en el sinfonismo mexicano.Gonzalo Castillo Ponce - 2001 - In Sergio Espinosa Proa (ed.), Consonancias y disonancias: filosofía y música en el fin de milenio. México: Unidad Academica de Docencia Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
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    La armadura y la máquina: notas en torno a la sustitución.Antonio Castillo Ávila - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (2):267-282.
    El presente artículo pretende reflexionar en torno a la problemática de la potencial sustitución o remplazo del ser humano por parte de la tecnología de la automatización. El debate, tan antiguo como la modernidad, ha sufrido en los últimos tres años un impulso sorprendente debido a la aparición en la esfera pública de los algoritmos probabilísticos productores de textos o imágenes: las llamadas IA generativas. En un contexto de discursos sensacionalistas arrastrados por un alarmismo o utopismo fomentado por las estrategias (...)
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    Data and tissue research without patient consent: A qualitative study of the views of research ethics committees in New Zealand.Angela Ballantyne & Andrew Moore - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):143-153.
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    Moral Bioenhancement, Social Biases, and the Regulation of Empathy.Keisha Ray & Lori Gallegos de Castillo - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):125-133.
    Some proponents of moral bioenhancement propose that people should utilize biomedical practices to enhance the faculties and traits that are associated with moral agency, such as empathy and a sense of justice. The hope is that doing so will improve our ability to meet the moral challenges that have emerged in our contemporary, globalized world. In this paper, we caution against this view by arguing that biomedically inducing more empathy may, in fact, diminish moral agency. We argue that this type (...)
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    The experiences of pregnant women in an interventional clinical trial: Research In Pregnancy Ethics study.Angela Ballantyne, Susan Pullon, Lindsay Macdonald, Christine Barthow, Kristen Wickens & Julian Crane - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (6):476-483.
    There is increasing global pressure to ensure that pregnant women are responsibly and safely included in clinical research in order to improve the evidence base that underpins healthcare delivery during pregnancy. One supposed barrier to inclusion is the assumption that pregnant women will be reluctant to participate in research. There is however very little empirical research investigating the views of pregnant women. Their perspective on the benefits, burdens and risks of research is a crucial component to ensuring effective recruitment. The (...)
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    The Importance of Coaches’ Autonomy Support in the Leisure Experience and Well-Being of Young Footballers.Isabel Balaguer, Isabel Castillo, Ricardo Cuevas & Francisco Atienza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363660.
    Drawing on the self-determination framework, the study examined the effect of coaches’ autonomy support on the leisure experience of young male football players. Specifically, a model was tested analyzing the long-term predictive power of the players’ perception of coach-autonomy support at the beginning of the season on the subjective vitality of young football players at the end of the season through needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation. Moreover, we tested whether the effects of coach-autonomy support on the aforementioned variables (needs satisfaction, (...)
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  10. Gender in the Book of Jeremiah: A Feminist-Literary Reading.Angela Bauer - 1999
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    (1 other version)Antropologia e metafisica in Edmund Husserl ed Edith Stein.Angela Ales Bello - 2017 - Acta Philosophica 26 (2):325-344.
    My aim in this paper is to deal with E. Husserl’s and E. Stein’s analyses on the anthropological and metaphysical questions. To perform this task it is necessary to explain the meaning of the phenomenological method, first of all in Husserl and then in E. Stein, underscoring the novelty of their approach to the knowledge of human being, world and God. The essay is divided in four parts; two are dedicated to Husserl’s and Stein’s investigation on the human being and (...)
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    “Essere Grezzo” e hyletica fenomenologica.Angela Ales Bello - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:139-160.
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    Edmund Husserl e la storia.Angela Ales Bello - 1972 - Parma,:
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    First photographs of heaven.Angela Belli - 1996 - Journal of Medical Humanities 17 (2):137-139.
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  15. Rasprava o knjizi "Utopija i inauguralni paradoks" Gordane Bosanac: Discussion on Utopia and Inaugural Paradox, a Book by Gordana Bosanac.Gordana Bosanac, Lino Veljak, Hrvoje Jurić & Marijan Krivak - 2006 - Il Pensiero 26 (1):137-149.
    Ova četiri teksta prilagođena su izlaganja o knjizi Gordane Bosanac "Utopija i inauguralni paradoks", održana prigodom njezina predstavljanja.Predstavljanje se, uz raspravu, odvijalo u Klubu sveučilišnih nastavnika u Zagebu 24. listopada 2005.These four contributions are adapted talks on Gordana Bosanac’s book Utopija i inauguralniparadoks, delivered on the occasion of its presentation.This presentation took place at the Croatian University Teachers’ Club in Zagreb on 24th October2005.
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    O Conceito de Responsabilidade Em Lévinas: Os Limites Entre a Distanásia e Os Cuidados Paliativos.Lino Batista de Oliveira, José Eduardo de Siqueira, Julia Hespanhol Gutschow & Giovanna Hespanhol Gutschow - 2022 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 49 (155):539.
    Resumo: Na contemporaneidade, observa-se grande prevalência de enfermidades crônicas sem possibilidade de cura, que se acompanham de significativa redução da qualidade de vida do paciente. Os cuidados paliativos têm como finalidade proporcionar ao paciente conforto físico e emocional na terminalidade da vida. Em momentos em que os CP são negligenciados de alguma forma e deixam de ser exercidos de maneira plena, pode ocorrer a prática da distanásia – procedimentos que apenas prolongam o processo de morrer. A reflexão de Emmanuel Lévinas (...)
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    Léxico frecuente, riqueza léxica y estereotipos sobre la lectura de profesores en formación.María Natalia Castillo Fadić & Enrique Sologuren Insúa - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (1):69-85.
    El presente artículo analiza lexicoestadísticamente un corpus textual de relatos de vida lectora escritos por profesores en formación, con énfasis en los índices de frecuencia, riqueza léxica, representatividad y curva de cobertura; y compara los resultados obtenidos con los de otros corpus de español. Además, analiza cualitativamente las unidades léxicas de mayor frecuencia desde la semántica del estereotipo. Desde el punto de vista cuantitativo, releva los cien vocablos más frecuentes del corpus, determina que la curva de cobertura es más acelerada (...)
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    El Mundo Jur'idico de Fray Luis de Le 'on'.Juan Castillo Vegas - 2000 - Burgos, España: Universidad de Burgos.
    Nos encontramos ante el pensamiento jurídico de uno de nuestros principañes representantes de la lengua castellana: Fray Luis de León. Esta reflexión leoniana contenida y expresada en el tratado De legibus completa y supera en algunos aspectos la refexión.
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    Sharing precision medicine data with private industry: Outcomes of a citizens’ jury in Singapore.Angela Ballantyne, Tamra Lysaght, Hui Jin Toh, Serene Ong, Andrew Lau, G. Owen Schaefer, Vicki Xafis, E. Shyong Tai, Ainsley J. Newson, Stacy Carter, Chris Degeling & Annette Braunack-Mayer - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Precision medicine is an emerging approach to treatment and disease prevention that relies on linkages between very large datasets of health information that is shared amongst researchers and health professionals. While studies suggest broad support for sharing precision medicine data with researchers at publicly funded institutions, there is reluctance to share health information with private industry for research and development. As the private sector is likely to play an important role in generating public benefits from precision medicine initiatives, it is (...)
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  20. The simulation theory, the theory theory and folk psychological explanation.Angela Arkway - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 98 (2):115-137.
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    The Taoist Vision. A Study of T’ao Yuan-Ming’s Nature Poetry.Angela Jung Palandri - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (2):97-121.
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    Attentional bias to emotions after prolonged endurance exercise is modulated by age.Angela Marotta, Miriam Braga, Cantor Tarperi, Kristina Skroce & Mirta Fiorio - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):273-283.
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    Acerca de la biotecnología ambiental.Rafael Blasco Pla & Francisco Castillo Rodríguez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (768):a157.
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Gordana Bosanac, Lino Veljak, Tomislav Krznar & Ivana Skuhala Karasman - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):547-555.
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  25. Zoneamento de áreas susceptíveis a ocorrência de escorregamentos na bacia do Rio paraibuna–mg/rj.Rosana Lino de Faria, Deborah Cristina Gomes de Oliveira & Ricardo Tavares Zaidan - forthcoming - Principia.
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    Consideraciones en torno a la relación de dos sistemas juridicos no independientes: derecho internacional / derecho nacional.Tonatiuh García Castillo - 2004 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Introduction: Strengthening Public Health.Michelle A. Larkin & Angela K. McGowan - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (s3):4-5.
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    Filosofía actual y humanismo: ensayo filosófico.Teodoro Olarte del Castillo - 1966 - San José: Editorial Costa Rica.
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    Ciudad rica y ciudadanos pobres. La consideración de la riqueza en el republicanismo florentino.Jesús Luis Castillo Vegas - 2014 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 7:71-91.
    La lectura de los clásicos, el estudio de la historia y la atenta observación de la práctica política de su tiempo le llevarán a Maquiavelo a romper con la tradición humanista sobre la propiedad y a defender la necesidad de limitaciones sobre la misma. Su concepción republicana sobre la propiedad se concentra en el lema de que la ciudad sea rica y los ciudadanos pobres. Esto supone una política de moderación que excluye por igual la concepción oligárquica de quienes confunden (...)
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    En el polvo de este planeta.Karla Castillo Villapudua - 2022 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 25:146-149.
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    The role of collective agreements in times of uncertain AI governance: lessons from the Hollywood scriptwriters’ agreement.Aida Ponce del Castillo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  32. Distribuciones probabilísticas de uso común (Probabilistic distributions of common use).M. H. Badii & J. Castillo - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):149-178.
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  33. Brecht's criticisms of Aristotle's aesthetics of tragedy.Angela Curran - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (2):167–184.
  34.  18
    An educational reading to the encyclical Spe Salvi by Benedict XVI.Giancarlo Castillo Gutiérrez - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45:143-159.
    Resumen La esperanza cristiana no consiste en una espera químicamente pura de aquellas realidades futuras de la fe, sino por el contrario, dicha espera ya tiene consigo, de algún modo, las realidades esperadas, aquellas que son capaces de educar a quien las posee. En ese sentido, el presente artículo es una lectura pedagógica a la encíclica Spe Salvi de Benedicto XVI, para identificar en ella, la dimensión educativa de la esperanza y los momentos que la componen. Para el desarrollo de (...)
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    Lumières et romantisme.M. Castillo, H. Declève, J. Dewitte, H. -G. Gadamer, P. Nys, H. Gadamer & J. Patocka - 1989 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Nous nous inscrivons dans une culture, nous sommes les heritiers de multiples traditions. Le romantisme qui a su remettre la tradition a l'honneur, aussi bien que les Lumieres avec leur mefiance - allant jusqu'au refus - vis-a-vis de toute tradition, sont pour nous de telles traditions. Nous devons nous rapporter a nos traditions en Aufklarer, les soumettre a l'examen critique, mais nous devons savoir egalement que l'elucidation de la tradition ne peut se resoudre dans la pure maitrise de la critique, (...)
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  36. La ley meramente penal y la legislacion eclesiastica.S. Castillo - 1943 - Ciencia Tomista 64:26-45.
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    La noción de simetría en física: una reconstrucción. Aproximación a la filosofía de la física.Ruth Castillo - 2018 - Madrid, España: Editorial Académica Española.
    A través de una reconstrucción histórica y análisis de conceptos básicos, que da cuenta de la importancia de la historia y filosofía de la física, este libro resume un arduo trabajo de investigación en torno a la significación de la noción de simetría en física abordando tres problemas: 1) la existencia o no del término simetría en la antigüedad, 2) la posición kantiana en referencia a la comprensión del problema inercial y sus repercusiones y 3) la naturaleza de la noción (...)
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    Tantilla alticola (Boulenger, 1903) Colubridae: primer reporte para Panama.D. Castillo & J. Pedrol - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Truth-seeking in an age of (mis)information overload.David R. Castillo, Siwei Lyu, Christina Milletti & Cynthia Stewart (eds.) - 2024 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Offers a thorough, multidisciplinary picture of the informational challenges of our media ecosystem, as well as collaborative strategies for addressing them.
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    Vita viventis est essentia": la actividad vital humana en el planteamiento de la "Antropología trascendental.Genara Castillo - 2001 - Studia Poliana 3:61-71.
    This article begins with the notion that some modern philosophers have about human life, in order to make stand out the Aristotelian formulation about human life as unlimited growth. The Aristotelian inspiration is adopted by L. Polo, who proposes to go beyond the limit of knowledge and to see human life as an unlimited global reinforcement dependent of the personal "esse".
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  41. Venezuela y su Academia Migrante.Ruth Castillo - 2021 - Nueva York, EE. UU.: ebook.
    El éxodo de más de 5.6 millones de venezolanos representa un fenómeno migratorio con múltiples facetas, cada una merecedora de atento análisis y profundización. Ante la dimensión del movimiento de millones de seres humanos, se corre el riesgo de subestimar tragedias que ocurren dentro del drama migratorio. Una de ellas, es el exilio de científicos y académicos. Este libro resume la vision acerca de la inaccion de la sociedad y orden mundial hacia la perdida de talento academico. Es un trabajo (...)
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    Being in tension: the dependent response in social education.María Castillo-López - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (1):76-92.
    Social Education implies a constant exposition to human experiences of vulnerability and suffering. In this paper, Levinas’s philosophy of alterity and, specifically, the notion of hospitality constitutes our ethical lens to explore educational encounters in non-formal contexts within the Spanish Social Sector. The study is developed from a hermeneutic phenomenological approach into the depth of lived experiences of eight social educators who currently work with different populations groups. The testimonies, explored through semi-structured interviews, are presented in a conversational, dialogic, poetic (...)
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    Divided Consciousness and Enlightenment in Hindu Yogis.Richard J. Castillo - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (3-4):1-6.
  44. Aporie della filosofia contemporanea.Angela Ales Bello (ed.) - 1970 - Parma,: Studium parmense.
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    Aprendizaje por descubrimiento: análisis crítico y reconstrucción teórica.Angela Barrón Ruiz - 1991 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Aristotelian reflections on horror and tragedy in an american werewolf in London and the sixth sense.Angela Curran - 2003 - In Steven Jay Schneider & Daniel Shaw (eds.), Dark thoughts: philosophic reflections on cinematic horror. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 47--64.
    Can horror films be tragic? From an Aristotelian point of view, the answer would seem to be no. For it is hard to see how a film that places a monster at the center of the plot could evoke pity and fear in the audience. This paper argues that some films belong to both horror and tragedy, and so can be accommodated as tragedies according to Aristotle's framework in the Poetics.
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  47. Aristóteles y la "Poética".Angela Curran - 2019 - Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Cátedra.
    La "Poética" de Aristóteles es la primera investigación filosófica sobre una forma de arte y un texto fundacional de la historia de la estética. Es una de las obras de Aristóteles más ampliamente leídas y ha atraído el interés de un gran número de comentaristas filosóficos y literarios. El significado de sus ideas clave, especialmente el concepto de catarsis, ha sido objeto de acaloradas disputas y ha ejercido una enorme y prolongada influencia. Muchos autores han seguido las recomendaciones de Aristóteles (...)
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  48. Dialogue on Radicalism and the Left.Angela Y. Davis, Joy Ann James & Richard Curtis - 1998 - Radical Philosophy Review 1 (1):1-16.
  49. Contemplación y discreción según el autor de" La nube del no-saber".Lino Correia Marques de Miranda Moreira - 2008 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 32 (65):119-130.
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    Giovanni Gentile e l'attualismo.Lino Di Stefano - 1981 - Palermo: Edizioni Thule.
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